
A Cyber-Security Type of Weekend!

As our business grew to establish itself over the years, Titan Security Services has decided that it is time to branch out.

Last weekend, dedicated TSS employees flew out to Denver, Colorado and attended the Cyber-Secured Forum. There they networked with tomorrow’s cyber-security leaders.

The Forum delivered amazing, actionable insight, information sharing, and best practices related to how we can improve and maintain the cyber-security of integrated solutions and physical security systems.

Soon, we will start to implement these new findings, and incorporate our new cyber-security tools and resources into our business.

This is an opportunity and Titan Security Services are ready!


JOPA High School successfully receives security cameras.

In May 2015, TSS was able to place security systems in over 20 different High Schools. One of these High Schools was JOPA. JOPA High School was one of the High Schools that was in need of a security system, since the small crime rate was high. The principal of JOPA received reports of crime almost every week. After installing the security cameras we were able to provide 24-hour security and we caught a criminal group operating after hours and stealing school supplies.  One year later, the crime rate decreased and the principal was very happy with the service TSS delivered.  Principal Stroete: “It is important to create a safe space, by efficiently adding 24-hour surveillance cameras the school created this safe space for its students.” JOPA High-school had a 10% increase in student admission over the past 3 years.