Meet the TSS Team


Image-1.pngJoe – Founder, CEO, and Lead Consultant

After a rash of burglaries and a data breach threatened to shutter his first small business venture, Joe took matters into his own hands to secure, protect, and defend his investment. It was out of this shear necessity that Joe realized his calling and founded TSS in 2012.


cute-funny-alpacas-110-58c65b3fb0296__605Melisa – Perimeter Surveillance Lead

The daughter of a famous photographer, Melisa was born with a camera in her hand. She saw potential in camera technology beyond print media and dabbled early in time lapse, infrared, hidden, and remote technologies.  She worked with Joe on his first surveillance system and that successful partnership was the foundation upon which TSS started.



Screen Shot 2018-04-20 at 9.30.55 PMNynke – Data Security Lead

After several major data breaches (Equifax, Uber, Facebook, etc) it became clear to Nynke that more needed to be done to protect ourselves in the digital age.  Joining TSS in 2013, she brings a strong computer science background with a specialty in data encryption.



Keith – Physical Security Lead

After 10 years serving in our Armed Forces, Keith joined TSS as a security consultant specializing in armed protective services.  His passion for firearms has led to a lifelong commitment of protecting his family, his friends, his clients, and the community.